Sunday, August 6, 2017

Late Update

May 24, 2017

The last time I posted an update was in February...  Update on that post - the cardioversion was a success.

On Monday, May 22, 2017 we went to see Dr. Agrawal.  We knew, based on Daddy's symptoms, that the news might not be good.  Following lab work and examination our fears became reality.  The cancer is growing.  The aching in his bones from his shoulders to the soles of his feet - the fatigue - the pain -  the coughing - the Afib - ETC. - is from the cancer. 

(Before we arrived in Dr. Agrawal's office  - I knew.)

On Wednesday morning I posted the following on Facebook:

Please pray for my parents today. We found out on Monday that Daddy's cancer is progressing quickly; and the doctor said it was time to call in hospice care. Unfortunately the hospice has been ordered, but is not in place yet... His pain got to be too much and he is currently in the ER at BJH.

He was in the ER for a few hours until they got the pain under control.  That afternoon the representatives from Transitions Hospice Care arrived. 

Now we will take one day at a time; trusting God.

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