Thursday, December 29, 2016

Now for the GOOD NEWS

December 29, 2016

Yesterday I accompanied my parents to Duke Raleigh to meet with Dr. Agrawal.  As soon as you arrive they take the patient back for "labs".  (At least they get the needle-work done first - so you don't have to dread it all day:) Then we go upstairs to Dr. Agrawal's office, where we sit in the waiting room for two hours.  Any other doc would not be worth that amount of wait time... but this one is worth it.  (Apparently the week after Christmas is always one of their busiest; and his "right hand" took the week off.) At one point dad said that we were going to leave in 10 minutes.  Just as mom and I were wondering what other stall tactics we could use... they called his name. Relief.

He begins by asking if we are dealing with: memory problems, fatigue, lack of interest, aches and pains, etc.. - and tells us that is normal.  Then he starts looking at the results of the last scan and his current blood work...
hemoglobin - good
liver enzymes - good
no clear signs of progression
...then he says the word... remission.

The six rounds of chemo did what they were supposed to do.  The problems that he is currently experiencing are not cancer related, but chemo related.  (The after effects of the chemo treatments.)  Even though the chemo was necessary to kick the cancer back, it is poison to the body.

Going forward,  the doc suggests a "time of rebuilding".  He prescribed something to strengthen the bones, which he will take through IV.  Hopefully this will help with the aching in his legs and back. He will get the IV, labs, and meet with the doc once every month.  He suggested that this would be a good time to incorporate immune-system supplements, light exercise, increased social activity, healthy eating habits, etc...  He actually suggested that he go to the gym!  He said that the social interaction could help him regain some of the memory that the chemo has stolen from him.

At this point I must stop and remind myself that he still has an aggressive form of cancer.  It is there - it is just not growing today.  Therefore, we must take full advantage of this "time of rebuilding", so when the monster decides to start moving he will be strong and able to fight again.

Thank-you God for answered prayer.

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Monday, November 28, 2016

Test Results

November 29, 2016

Mom and Dad met with Dr. Agrawal today.  The results from last weeks test show not much change in the lungs and liver since the last CT scan.  However, they did find that the cancer has now spread to his bones.
He is receiving chemo this week (Mon, Tues., and Wed.).  After this weeks treatments he will not return to the doctor until after Christmas.  (That's when they will start a new chemo treatment.)
Friends, please continue to pray.  "I'm not giving up." -Dad

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

November Update

Chemo/Round 5 was a couple of weeks ago... he got through it like a champ.

This past Monday he was scheduled to begin round six.  After some lab work and a visit from Dr. Agrawal; it was decided that he was not strong enough for chemo this week.  New Plan:  While he was there on Monday they gave him an infusion of fluids and iron.   On Thursday of this week, he will return for another infusion.  Next Tuesday (Nov.22) he will go in for another infusion, an MRI, and a CT scan.

They will try again to start his sixth (and final) round of Chemo on November 28th (29&30)

These types of treatments do a number on a person’s body and mind.  Please continue to pray for him.  He does have a secret weapon... a positive attitude!   

A personal note about my dad...

As I was growing into adulthood I always knew I could count on my daddy. If something was broken, I called him and he fixed it.  If my heart was broken, I called him and he listened.  When I messed up real bad, I called him (and cried so hard he couldn't understand a word I was saying) ... he picked me up, dusted me off, helped me find a solution to my problem, and sent me out again - without condemnation.  (He did not have to tell me how disappointed he was - I already knew that.)  He allowed me to make my own mistakes, and learn from them.  Life is not always easy, but I had a good teacher.  He taught me to stand up for what was right.  Make amends when I needed too.  Always be kind to others.  By example, he showed me how to work hard, follow your dreams, and help others.  I did not have a lot of "things" as a child, but I always knew that I was loved.  That, my friends, is one of the greatest gifts you can give a child. 
Thanks Dad, I Love YOU.

                                       Feel free to leave comments below.  It is my hope that our transparency will benefit others

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

October Updates

October 11, 2016

Daddy had his 4th Round of chemo last week. (Before Hurricane Matthew arrived!)
He received treatments on Mon, Tues, and Wed. - and on Thurs. he stayed in the bed and rested.  Since then he seems to be doing well except for the typical fatigue and digestion issues. 

He will receive two more rounds of chemo.  The chemo will be complete after the 6th round. 
*For clarification purposes:  Each "round" is three treatments - one treatment per day, for three days in a row.  Then they wait two weeks between each round.* 

Following the 6th round, he will return for another CT scan.  Then we will enjoy the holidays together.  After three months they will do another CT scan and decide if he is strong enough for more chemo.  If not, other arrangements will be made.

This is where it gets real folks.  Yes, this is an aggressive form of cancer.  But, he has done extremely well and I know that GOD has the last word.  Keep Praying.

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Friday, September 9, 2016

September 2016 Updates

September 9, 2016

Update from CT Scan:  His lungs are clear - no sign of the cancer - and his liver is "much improved".  Praise the Lord for another miracle.  Unfortunately, we can't stop now.  This is an aggressive type of cancer; so we must continue with the chemotherapy.

This past Wednesday dad had his port removed.  It was touching a nerve which caused pain and numbness.  They placed a new port on the other side.  Hopefully, after a few days of minor discomfort all will be well with this new port.  His next round of chemo will be next week - Tues, Wed., and Thursday.  (Sept. 13,14,15)

Fighting the good fight is not always easy - even if you are winning.  He is still battling fatigue and digestion issues. Please continue to pray!  Also remember my mom - the caregiver who wears so many different hats!!  Together, they can conquer anything! :)

                                     This is a pic from their 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration in December 2014

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Friday, August 19, 2016

Another round of Chemo completed

August 19, 2016

Last weekend was a rough one for my dad.  He was extremely weak, not able to eat much, and experiencing pain again.  Monday morning he managed to get to Raleigh for his chemo treatment.  They checked his labs and said that his platelet count was back in the "good range"; and proceeded with the chemo.  He went again on Tuesday and Wednesday.  As strange as it may sound... when he gets the chemo he feels better.  So, less pain/more appetite/etc.
In addition to the chemo treatment, he also got to wear home an "auto-injector" again to bring up his white blood cell count. 
On Thursday they made the trip to Raleigh again, but this time it wasn't for chemo.  He finally got his "port".  They finished in record time, and he made it home in time to attend the Colin's Crusaders fundraiser at Zaxbys! 
Next Thursday, the 26th he is scheduled for a CT Scan.  When we get the results back we will know if the chemo is doing it's job.   Based on the way he feels afterwards.... my guess is - Yes, it's working. 
The next round of chemo is scheduled for September 6,7,and 8. 
Thank-you for the many prayers, we love you all.  Have a great weekend!

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Monday, August 8, 2016

No treatments this week

August 8, 2016

Last week when they did Daddy's labs the numbers came back good - even the white blood cell count was up!  The only problem was his platelet count.  Dr. Agrawal said that he had to temporarily stop taking his blood thinner.  He cannot get his chemo treatment until his platelet count gets a little better.
He rescheduled his chemo for next week.  So, at least for this week -  No shots, no chemo, no driving to Raleigh!!  If all goes well, he will have his chemo treatments next week - Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  (8/15, 8/16, 8/17)

In the meantime, he is feeling good.  His spirits are up, his pain is gone, and his appetite seems to be returning to normal.  God is Good! 

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Monday, August 1, 2016

Miracles can happen

August 1, 2016

Wow, so much as happened since my last post!  Sorry for the delay.  I really did not know if anyone was following my blog... but,  Mom told me today that some of her friends had questioned her about the lack of new information on the blog.  So, back to work - and thanks for the gentle nudge! 

So, we had a rocky start last week.  (Dad was still in some pain and on the oxygen 24/7.)  But, then we got some great news on Wednesday.  Dad had an appointment with Dr. Agrawal.  They drew blood for the labs, and then we met with the Doc.  He said that all of his "numbers" were looking better - except for the white blood cell count.  During the examination he detected more movement in the left lung... and Daddy said that he had also noticed that the left lung was beginning to work harder. Yippee!  He was concerned about his white blood cell count due to the decreased immunity. He ordered a "shot" of something to help with that... and two more shots scheduled for other days. (which means driving for one hour - get a shot- and then drive another hour back home) This better work! :)

He told him that his goal was to gradually get him off of the oxygen.  I am proud to say that today my dad is not tethered to the oxygen anymore! That was fast!  Praise the Lord!

When I call him on the phone now and ask how he is doing  he says "GREAT".  God is working.  Now we just need to pack back on some pounds, preferably with good foods - not ice cream.  Here is a picture of Dad with his great-granddaughter, Jewel.  This pic was taken on Saturday 7/30.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Week one and first chemo treatment


Monday, dad was in a great deal of pain in his abdomen.  A trip to the ER was considered… but just in time (that’s often how God works) he was able to get some pain medication that helped.   (well, it helped a little bit)

Tuesday, dad made his way to the car and on to the doctor’s office.  This was a difficult task because he was weak and in pain.  Dr. Agrawal was troubled by his appearance.  Following an exam and lab work, Daddy was told he was too weak for chemo and the doc wanted to put him in the hospital. He said no. The doc suggested some iv fluids and steroids – then re-evaluation.  Following that iv, he was deemed strong enough to go on with the chemo.  He completed the chemo and came home feeling better! 
 -New treatment plan: chemo at Dr. Agrawal’s office Tues, Wed, and Thurs. and another complete examination next week.
*Just got off the phone with dad (Wed.2pm) and he sounded great!  They completed treatment 2 and are on their way home. :)
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Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Journey Begins…

July 15, 2016

Today we found out that my Daddy has lung cancer.  It is called stage 3 small cell lung cancer.  It has metastasized (spread) to the liver, which is “riddled with it”.  It is also in the lymph nodes around and between the lungs and liver.  It is an aggressive form of cancer that is not “curable”; but it is treatable.  This was confirmed by a liver biopsy.  

-From a liver biopsy they can know if cancer is present and where it originated.  For further explanation, the doc likened it to a foreigner in our country.  He, (the doc) lives and works in the US; but you can look at him and tell that he was born in India.  It is important to know where a cancer originated because you can expect certain things based on the place of origin.  Each type of cancer can be expected to take a certain path… lung cancer tends to spread to the brain, bones, liver, and adrenal glands. (

They also did several other tests.  MRI(brain scan) – came back clean.  Bone scan – came back clean.  Spinal tap (to test the fluid that goes up and around the brain) – initial results are clean; but we don’t have the final report yet.  If the spinal tap comes back clean, they may repeat it.  (due to the terrible headache that he has had for three weeks)  

His oncologist (cancer doc) is Dr. Agrawal.  Mom and I really like him.  He is very personable, approachable, and real.  His treatment recommendation is IV chemo once every three weeks.  (Surgery and/or radiation are not applicable in this situation.) Dad’s response to the treatment suggestion was: “I’ll do it!”  His first treatment will be next Tuesday. 

Now, I am not happy about putting poison into a sick body… But I trust Dr. Agrawal.  He was very open to adding alternative treatments in addition to the chemotherapy.  I have been looking into detoxification of the body and nutritional treatments.  With that being said… I know that I am not the patient, and anything I say is only a suggestion. BUT, I am going to keep telling dad not to eat that ice cream because it is full of sugar AND sugar feeds cancer! However, (reminder to self…) I cannot control another human being.  The human being that I am referring to is old, stubborn, and strong-willed!!  I Love Him.

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