Tuesday, November 15, 2016

November Update

Chemo/Round 5 was a couple of weeks ago... he got through it like a champ.

This past Monday he was scheduled to begin round six.  After some lab work and a visit from Dr. Agrawal; it was decided that he was not strong enough for chemo this week.  New Plan:  While he was there on Monday they gave him an infusion of fluids and iron.   On Thursday of this week, he will return for another infusion.  Next Tuesday (Nov.22) he will go in for another infusion, an MRI, and a CT scan.

They will try again to start his sixth (and final) round of Chemo on November 28th (29&30)

These types of treatments do a number on a person’s body and mind.  Please continue to pray for him.  He does have a secret weapon... a positive attitude!   

A personal note about my dad...

As I was growing into adulthood I always knew I could count on my daddy. If something was broken, I called him and he fixed it.  If my heart was broken, I called him and he listened.  When I messed up real bad, I called him (and cried so hard he couldn't understand a word I was saying) ... he picked me up, dusted me off, helped me find a solution to my problem, and sent me out again - without condemnation.  (He did not have to tell me how disappointed he was - I already knew that.)  He allowed me to make my own mistakes, and learn from them.  Life is not always easy, but I had a good teacher.  He taught me to stand up for what was right.  Make amends when I needed too.  Always be kind to others.  By example, he showed me how to work hard, follow your dreams, and help others.  I did not have a lot of "things" as a child, but I always knew that I was loved.  That, my friends, is one of the greatest gifts you can give a child. 
Thanks Dad, I Love YOU.

                                       Feel free to leave comments below.  It is my hope that our transparency will benefit others

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