Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Week one and first chemo treatment


Monday, dad was in a great deal of pain in his abdomen.  A trip to the ER was considered… but just in time (that’s often how God works) he was able to get some pain medication that helped.   (well, it helped a little bit)

Tuesday, dad made his way to the car and on to the doctor’s office.  This was a difficult task because he was weak and in pain.  Dr. Agrawal was troubled by his appearance.  Following an exam and lab work, Daddy was told he was too weak for chemo and the doc wanted to put him in the hospital. He said no. The doc suggested some iv fluids and steroids – then re-evaluation.  Following that iv, he was deemed strong enough to go on with the chemo.  He completed the chemo and came home feeling better! 
 -New treatment plan: chemo at Dr. Agrawal’s office Tues, Wed, and Thurs. and another complete examination next week.
*Just got off the phone with dad (Wed.2pm) and he sounded great!  They completed treatment 2 and are on their way home. :)
Feel free to leave comments below.  It is my hope that our transparency will benefit others.

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